Wednesday 15 February 2017

AM GLPRPL116E Replication for DN 'CN=ip:1389,CN=ip:1389,IBM-REPLICAGROUP=DEFAULT,OU=PORTAL,DC=COM' encountered a gap in the change IDs: 26 followed 24 after trying one more time but is continuing.

encountered a gap in the change IDs: 26 followed 24 after trying one more time but is continuing.

 This error I faced when i was doing IBM TDS master- replica configuration in the environment.

Solution:- error occur because of encryption seed & salt values different on TDS servers

1 ) check the sync & salt value on both TDS server's from the below ldap command that should be the same.

ldapsearch -D <username> -w <passowrd> -h ip -p 1389 -s base -b cn=crypto,cn=localhost cn=*

if value are different, again recreated the instance and provide the same encryption seed otherwise replication will not work.

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