Monday 21 December 2015

CTGIMK001E The IBM container cannot be found

<Trace Level="MIN">
 <Time Millis="1450689571546"> 2015.12.21 01:19:31.546-08:00</Time>
 <Server Format="IP">localhost</Server>
 <LogText><![CDATA[CTGIMK001E  The ABCD container cannot be found.]]></LogText>
 <Source FileName="" Method="execute"/>
 <Thread>SIBJMSRAThreadPool : 0</Thread>
 <Exception><![CDATA[ CTGIMK001E  The dtag container cannot be found.
    at Source)

I faced this error during  jar import in ISIM and fix found that organization name was different-different  in jar & ISIM

Steps : - 1 ) Check ISIM trace.log
              2 ) Check the Organization name that should be the same in jar & ISIM


HPDAA0257E   Could not contact the Security Access Manager policy server.  Possible causes are:

This error occurs during java run time configuration from ISIM to ISAM so do the mentioned steps for fix.

Fix: - 1 ) Firstly check /etc/hosts entry in the environment , host entry should be updated correctly ISIM &    ISAM
         2 )  Check ISAM  hostname & port number during java run time configuration from ISIM to ISAM that should be correct

Sunday 13 December 2015

TDI V7.1 Fix pack installation

1 ) Download latest TDI fixpack
2 ) copy UpdateInstaller.jar from the fixpack package to TDI_install_dir/maintenance directory
3 ) execute command for window
    TDI_install_dir\bin\applyUpdates.bat -update
    execute command for linux
   TDI_install_dir/bin/ -update

4 ) verify fix pack installation

Windows OS : TDI_install_dir\bin\applyUpdates.bat -queryreg
Unix OS: TDI_install_dir/bin/ -queryreg

Thursday 10 December 2015

SQL6048N A communication error occurred during START or STOP DATABASE MANAGER processing.

Fix : 1 ) First of all check the db2 product logs from below path , Can easily find the exact error.


2 ) Check hostname if there is different hostname, Set the correct hostname

3 ) Again restart the Db2 product

SQL1025N The database manager was not stopped because databases are still active

Use command :
1 . db2 list application show detail
2.  db2 force application all
3.  db2stop
4. db2start

Wednesday 9 December 2015

could not start webseal Server

# pdweb restart
could not start webseal Server

Fix Steps : - 1 ) first of all check webseal logs

2 ) After that check webseald-default.conf file owership. file should be own by the ivmgr user.
 File will present on path (/opt/pdweb/etc)

I found file ownership was different in my case so change ownership to ivmgr user

 2 ) chown ivmgr:ivmgr webseald-default.conf

3 ) again restart the webseal

pdweb restart


HPDIA0119W Authentication mechanism is not available

HPDIA0119W Authentication mechanism is not available.

If you face this error during sso authentication
1 ) first check your registry server (LDAP..etc) that should be in running mode.
2 ) if issue does not resolve take once registry server restart.

Sunday 6 December 2015

HPDCO1056E Could not connect to the server Server1, on port 7135.

2015-12-06-20:18:49.533-08:00I----- 0x1354A420 pdadmin ERROR ivc socket mtsclient.cpp 2327 0x7f351688c720
HPDCO1056E   Could not connect to the server Server1, on port 7135.
Error: Could not connect to the server. (status 0x1354a426)

Fix: Steps:- 1 ) Check first Webseal logs, I found below error.
                          error coming due to ldap issue webseal unable to make connection with ldap So I took restart of ldap ,issue got fix.

HPDCO0205W   ------------------------------------------------
2015-12-06-20:17:21.766-08:00I----- 0x1354A420 webseald ERROR ivc socket mtsclient.cpp 2327 0x7eff040ba720
HPDCO1056E   Could not connect to the server Server1, on port 7135.
2015-12-06-20:17:21.802-08:00I----- 0x1354A420 webseald ERROR ivc socket mtsclient.cpp 2327 0x7eff040ba720
HPDCO1056E   Could not connect to the server Server1, on port 7135.

 hope this help..!!

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Error: HPDIA0119W Authentication mechanism is not available. (status 0x13212077)

Fix :- This error comes due to ldap connection issue because Webseal is not able to reach the LDAP.
So do below steps.

1 ) First check the webseal logs , can easily find the exact error


read file msg__webseald-default.log

2 ) Check the LDAP service status in LDAP server, LDAP server should be in start status
ps -ef | grep ldapinstance  //instance as per environment

3 ) Check LDAP service is running on correct application user
4 ) Check LDAP service may run in config mode
5 ) Are you enabled SSL from LDAP end if yes check the ldap.conf and webseal conf file information from policy and webseal server end.