Friday, 20 October 2017

CWSIT0103E: No messaging engine was found that matched the following parameters: bus=itim_bus, targetGroup=null, targetType=BusMember, targetSignificance=Required, transportChain=InboundSecureMessaging, proximity=Server.

Caused by: CWSIT0088E: There are currently no messaging engines in bus itim_bus running. Additional failure information: CWSIT0103E: No messaging engine was found that matched the following parameters: bus=itim_bus, targetGroup=null, targetType=BusMember, targetSignificance=Required, transportChain=InboundSecureMessaging, proximity=Server. 

Solution:- when your ITIM environment will not proceed requests and all the request will be in queued because of this Error, so in this case below steps need to be taken.

1. clean WAS Trans and partner log
2. Restart of DB2, TDS and WAS. 

This solution worked for my customer environment, hope will help yours as well.

Arvind Kumar
CTGDIS078I AssemblyLine AssemblyLines/ITDIRMI_Dispatcher_Boot_AL failed with error: Port already in use: 0; nested exception is:

   Address already in use: NET_Bind. 

Customer experience:- I took manual steps like ending java process and dispatcher restart but that not help me out. this problem mainly happen in windows based OS when your RMI dispatcher does not stop completely. 
To resolve this error and customer impact, only way is just reboot the window box.

Arvind Kumar