Sunday, 18 September 2016

windows error 2 occur while loading the java vm" during ADT (adaptr development tool installation)

I  face this below error during adapter development tool installation on window 7 OS.

Error:- windows error 2 occur while loading the java vm" during ADT (adaptr development tool installation

I had fixed this issue and below are the solution steps.

Steps: - 1. install the installer from the below command because that will specify the java jre path

ADT5124_ITIM51_TDI71x.exe LAX_VM "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_101\bin\java.exe

CTGIMD803E The protocol portion of the Host URL field value is not valid

ISIM Service profile connection is not established with Manage resource SQL Database and I got this error CTGIMD803E  The protocol portion of the Host URL field value is not valid from ISIM service profile.

My Environment details:-

Connecting ISIM with SQL Server 2012, so i completed these steps:

1 ) SQL Server adapter installed on window-7. already SQL Server 2012 present on the machine.

2 ) SQL Profile is imported successfully. in ISIM

So I found the solution for this that I was using wrong URL field like (URL: jdbc:sqlserver://machineIP:1433;databaseName=dbname) in service profile which was wrong.
so i used correct URL like ( https://targetapplicationIP:45580).
after that I able to connect with target SQL application and my issue resolved.

where : 45580 --  it is sql adapter port