Tunning Tivoli Identity Manager
1 Configuring LDAP connection pooling in enRole.properties
2 Configuring list controls in ui.properties
3 Configuring Configuring report data synchronization in adhocreporting.properties file
4 Configuring the commitFrequency property in adhocreporting.properties file
5 Configuring Java™ heap size while running the report data
6 synchronization utility on OS.
7 Configuring report batch sizes in adhocreporting.properties file
8 Configuring email notifications from ITIM GUI
9 Disabling the recycle bin
10 Emptying the recycle bin
11 Configuring reconciliation threads
12 Configuring the maximum duration of a reconciliation
13 Configuring paged searches in enRole.properties file
14 disabling server-side sorting in enRole.properties file
15 Configuring the ACI cache in in enRole.properties file
16 Controlling the size of the database
1 Configuring LDAP connection pooling in enRole.properties
2 Configuring list controls in ui.properties
3 Configuring Configuring report data synchronization in adhocreporting.properties file
4 Configuring the commitFrequency property in adhocreporting.properties file
5 Configuring Java™ heap size while running the report data
6 synchronization utility on OS.
7 Configuring report batch sizes in adhocreporting.properties file
8 Configuring email notifications from ITIM GUI
9 Disabling the recycle bin
10 Emptying the recycle bin
11 Configuring reconciliation threads
12 Configuring the maximum duration of a reconciliation
13 Configuring paged searches in enRole.properties file
14 disabling server-side sorting in enRole.properties file
15 Configuring the ACI cache in in enRole.properties file
16 Controlling the size of the database